Foto: Dejan Obretkovic / Gonzales Sports Photo

Jan Laursen is leaving FCN after this season

12.01.2024 09:00

Sports director Jan Laursen wants new challenges after the current season, where he plans to start his own consulting and advisory company. The process of finding a new sports director for the 3F Superliga team has already begun.

Jan Laursen has often and correctly been referred to as Mr. FC Nordsjælland. Laursen has dedicated more than 25 years of his life to the club, where he started as a player, became the club's first administrative employee, and later stepped into several key positions including sports director, head of academy and chairman of the board.

After this season a new challenge outside FCN awaits. Jan Laursen expects to start as a freelancer in a consultant and advisory role for both clubs, players, coaches and other functions in the football industry based on his many years of experience and large Danish and international networks.


Jan Laursen:

- It has obviously been an extremely difficult decision. When you are in a place where you feel so good and have so many emotions and close friendships involved as I have had through all the years in FCN, it is close to impossible to make that decision and not least the right timing for it. During the past year, however, I could feel that the time had come to challenge myself on a new course and pass on the baton.

- For several years, I have been playing with the idea of using all the things I have learned over the years for something else than what you necessarily get to do in a club – and at the same time, to a greater extent, be my own master of my calendar and time. It has always been a great motivation for me to help others with their development and to help open doors for them when they had to go on their next journey, whether it was in Denmark or on the big international scene. That is what I want to dedicate even more of my time to, just as I would also very much like to help clubs, coaches etc. with the wishes, dreams and needs they may have.

- I am deeply grateful that the club's ownership and management have shown such great understanding of my wish, and that together we have been able to prepare for this in the best possible way. As I have said many times before, one of the strengths of FCN is that we work together as a team, and I am delighted to know that I am leaving the club in the best hands and in a fantastic place.


Tom Vernon, chairman of the board of FC Nordsjælland:

- It’s hard to comment on Jan and impossible to quantify his contribution to FCN or the RtD group. What is easy to say is that in my long and diverse journey through football Jan is one of the few people I consider a true and life time friend.

- His friendship is defined by trust loyalty and over all honesty. They are the same values on which he built FCN for a quarter of a century.

- In a club that is globally recognized as a leader in development, it was developed by Jan as much as the young players everyone sees on the pitch. FCN’s achievements would not have happened without Jan but equally the global expansion of RtD and the opportunities we now create in four geographies would not be a reality without Jan. 

- Jan has a fine and unique legacy in the global game and while I will miss him professionally – apart from his jokes – his friendship with FCN, RtD and myself will continue. Thank you, Jan.


A big thank you to Jan Laursen is also coming from the ownership behind Right to Dream and FC Nordsjælland.

- Everyone associated with FC Nordsjælland owes Jan Laursen a huge debt of gratitude for his outstanding contribution to the club and the leadership and vision that he has shown over so many years.  The legacy he leaves is a unique club that is among Denmark’s most successful in the men’s and women’s game, that is recognised worldwide for its unparalleled investment in youth, and possibly most importantly of all, that reflects the very best values and ethos as an organization, says Mohamed Mansour, chairman of Man Capital, the ownership behind Right to Dream and FCN.

- Since the first day of our investment in FCN, Jan has been extremely helpful and supportive, and I have learned so much from him and enjoyed working with him immensely. He is a special person who has helped to build a special club. He will always be very welcome at FCN and we wish him well in his new venture, says Loutfy Mansour, CEO of Man Capital.


Jan Laursen will continue as sporting director in FCN until summer, where a proper farewell will take place at a Superliga match in Right to Dream Park.

Jan Laursen: Important to find the right timing

A new sports director will replace Jan Laursen

FC Nordsjælland has already begun the process of finding a new sports director for the 3F Superliga team.

A committee in the club – consisting of Group Technical Director in Right to Dream Flemming Pedersen, Head of Football in Right to Dream Mads Davidsen, FCN Technical Director Alexander Riget, and FCN Director of Football Operations Phil Radley – is handling the process of finding the best possible candidate to replace Jan Laursen in the role as sports director for the 3F Superliga team in FCN.


Flemming Pedersen, Group Technical Director in Right to Dream:

- We are well underway and know that it is more important to do the job properly than to do it quickly. We are in a good place for several reasons – first of all, we have Jan on the team until the summer, and second of all, we have an organization where no one works alone. That is why we have several talented people involved in the work around the sports management, so our sports department will not experience changes in everyday life or that the development in the different areas is slowed down.

- It is an impossible task to replace Jan Laursen one to one, and that is not what we strive for either. We look both internally within the group and externally to find the best possible candidate to lead the club forward on the same course towards the potential, we all feel it has. And we are very confident about that process. When we find the right one, we can easily see a scenario where Jan himself helps to support and guide the new sports director in FCN, so that we ensure the best possible transfer of responsibility and not least knowledge sharing of the culture that Jan has been such an excellent exponent of.


Trine Hesselund Hopp Møller, CEO in FC Nordsjælland:

- Collaboration is a key word in FCN, and Jan has always been a great representative for exactly that. He will undoubtedly be missed, and therefore it is also important that we have a strong team in and around the sporting management, who has been given the opportunity for a good and calm process regarding the search for the right replacement.

- As an organization, we always seek to be at the forefront, and we believe that in general this approach will develop the club in the long run and ensure the necessary continuity both on and off the pitch. That is why we are also delighted that we still have Jan on board for the rest of this season – and we hope that everyone in and around the club will help us by giving him the farewell he deserves when summer comes.